contact us

Telephone and email:

403 209-1100

Connections’ address 

510, 1716 16th Avenue NW
Calgary, AB T2M 0L7

To refer a family to Connections:

Call Connections at 403 209-1100.
Connections welcomes families in which a parent has a learning challenge (cognitive deficit, developmental disability, brain injury, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Our ability to bring a new family into our services is based on both capacity and funding source. Families who have funding readily available (eg. Children’s Services, Persons with Developmental Disabilities) can be provided with supports more quickly than families without any financial support and for whom we must find funding. Parents eligible for funding can join Connections and our team can help get the funding in place.

To donate to Connections:

We welcome and can provide a tax receipt for donations to help us support more families to parent successfully. We can provide full support to a family, reducing our waiting list, for just under $10,000 per year. Cheques can be addressed to Connections For Families Society.

Connections is a registered charity, BN 890700347RR0001.

To donate directly to our families:

We welcome gift cards that we can use to support our families’ needs. By providing the gift cards at times of crisis or to purchase supplies for family educational and social programs. (Walmart and Superstore gift cards in $25 denominations are the most helpful). Transit tickets are also welcomed for our families to use to get to appointments or programs at our offices/in the community.

We would love to work with your group (family, classroom or school, co-workers, church group) to identify the right sized project so you can make a difference and help our families be healthy and strong. Call us: 403 209-1100.